Plot-wise, The producers did stick to the plot a good bit, and most of it was hisotrically accurate. Also, the token female character wasn't as useless and redundant as she would be in other war movies *coughpearlharbourcough*. As least she had a use, even if it was for the bad guys. I can say I even learnt a thing or two about war tactics, such as not leading your troops away from water sources, ecspecially when your city is in a freaking desert. or your army will be slaughtered and you'll ride on a donkey half naked. Also, I really liked the idea of a leper leading an army, for some odd reason.
In terms of action, it wasn't bad. The war scenes were well choreographed, though, as with all war movies, somewhat chaotic. And the way the blood spewed aorund from dead characters was really really good. Very graphic= Very good. Definitely better than the joke that called itself Alexander in this aspect. In all aspects, in fact. Colin Farrell looked horrendous in that. I was completely mesmerized by the castle defense sequence towards the end of the movie. i think Bloom's character is a pretty good general and a war genius, considering he was but a lowly blacksmith not too long ago.
Had learning journey after screwing up my gp exam yesterday.I must say it wasn't too enjoyable, but still a bit funny. Honestly, with Ann Koh in a Red Dress, sunglasses, and a pink umbrealla, I feel we got cheated into making that placard that said a101.
We visited religious places in the hot sun. Oh well. Didn't exactly failed. This was, howeverm followed by..
Movie review #2: Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith. Not having watched Episode 2, it was a little confusing at the start, but thankfully Jedis hardly change clothes in the future, so I could still recognize Obi-wan and his Potato-sack costume. Good thing they're in a galaxy far, far away so we can't smell them.
Basically, Star Wars 3 is a movie about a guy who had premarital sex, got a girl pregnant, decided his job was more important, and ran away, only to turn insane later on and ended up in a suit even more stupid looking than a straight jacket. Well, fans would argue that the plot is a lot more complex and intricate than that, so I'll allow them to elaborate. Personally, I believe they spent too much time talking away though. Some parts of the story were kind of sad though.
Needless to say, the action was extremely good, with really cool fight individual fight scenes. The war scenes, however, were really lacklustre for some reason. Watching people fight with guns 30m away from each other just isn't as compelling as watching them fight with weapons. The volcano fight scene was rather reminiscent of LotR too. And Anakin looked like smeagol after getting burnt.
However, there were just a few corny moments during the movie. For example:
Mace Windu: He has betrayed us!
Darth Sitheous: I'm weak!
Mace: He is a menace to us!
Darth: I'm helpless!
Mace: I can't keep him alive! He's too dangerous!
Darth: Uh, help me!
*Anakin kills Mace Windu, making sure there will be no such thing as a Black Jedi, at least for now*
Robot: Physically, she is perfect healthy.
Robot: But for reasons unknown, we are losing her.
Robot: She has lost the will to live.
While good, the movie suffers from "drawing legs on snakes" syndrome, as well as having too many openings for people to make fun of. Good, but worse than Kingdom of Heaven.
The atmosphere, however, was brilliant. The entire cohort packed into a theater was a good idea from MJ, something we don't see too often. Everyone pretty much laughed and cheered for Yoda. And the screams for Hayden Christensen half-naked were incredible. Ha.
Extra lessons all this week. Not exactly looking forward to it. But I'll need it to achieve my FEOO target for midyears.