Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Bah, so much for doing work this holiday. If I actually did work, I wouldnt be sitting here trying to rush my PI and wondering what would happen to me if I don't do my history. And if I don't do my Cmaths.


Pangseh'd Wilbur and Denys' basketball invitation to go do Lit project today. I must say Amanda's place is quite nicely decorated. I think my room needs a serious makeover. I need some ornaments in my room, which is sorely lacking. It's only so neat and zen-looking because I haven't been doing any work in it (obviously).

I got myself Lit stuff to do now too. Which I obviously won't be able to complete as long I remian true to character. Then again, I haven't really been doing so for quite a while. Guess JC life does that to you.


I'm probably going to end up in school early chionging history to something. Life is bad.