Monday, May 09, 2005

Firstly, I was stoning on Sunday night till about 3.30 in the morning. And I still accomplished absolutely NOTHING.

Needless to say, I was pretty pissy at school today. Wilfred + blank homework - sleep = Very grumpy cave troll.

Of course, I did actually have a reason to be pissed.


Econs tutorial began the usual way - getting scolded for not doing tutorials. Suree, as if I wasn't in a bad enough mood. Anyway, I got back my MCQ test. 20/25. I stared at the paper for a good minute before finally realizing that while I did get 19/20 for MCQ, I still do structured questions as well as a kangaroo wear jeans.

Still, 20/25. Now how in the world did that happen? Either

1) I'm smarter than I think.
2) Everyone had a collective off-day.
3) Everyone else is stupider than I think.
4) I'm luckier I think. Or...
5) Any combination of the above.

I'm not exactly complaining though.


Apparently, this year's NDP is going to be held at the Padang. *Awkward silence as the lack of relevance creeps in*


Council election results are coming out tomorrow. By now I'm just thinking what the hell la. Want to release just release la. Unnecessary tension is not healthy. Not to mention it cause pimples, the bane of bimbos and himbos everywhere.


Bleagh. I'm tired. Just tired of everything right now. Not that it hasn't been at least partially fun though.