As much as I'd like to don oversized clothes, put on overexaggerated bling and start writing a song about how screwed up my life is hoping to get mysteriously scouted into the entertainment industry, the rare instance of common sense has told me that I should be trying to unfuck my life as opposed to wallowing in my misery. That, and being talent scouted in Singapore is one of those distinct, dubious and slightly embarassing honours - Kind of like being in the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest time spent in a bathtub full of maggots.
2 Papers have passed so far - Three, if you split GP into 2 papers. On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being the hardest, I'd rate this as a |22
i + 18
j - 10
k|, not only because the untrained eye would have palpitations trying to figure this out, thus giving him/her/it a glimpse of how helpless I felt during the papers, but also because I probably am on a completely different tangent from the paper itself - The paper says "gogogo get your free marks", I go "duh,wilfred stupid" and start talking to myself while the troubled onlooker believes I am frantically composing tongue-twisters.
In case none of that makes sense(and I'm positive it doesn't), you can read it as "What in Jurassic Park was that?!"
Great. Now I feel as hungry as a dinosaur, and with any luck, as stupid and clumsy too.
"You are in control of your own destiny."
Such a phrase is often used as a motivational technique to get delinquents to start working, working students to work harder and M.Night Shyamalan to make good movies, which sadly enough has yet to happen. Such a phrase works because it gives people the idea of human empowerment, that they are dictators in at least someone's life, that they actually have some control over a small portion of their world, sadly not a Baltic nation, but at this point anything will do. When people feel powerful, they feel inclined to use it. People work to avoid living a life of solitude by getting drunk in bad social games which at the end can work to give others a worse impression that hermeticism ever did. People work to avoid poverty, and wind up being distracted from the important things in life. Even at our level, "not getting into uni" is also a common threat to press the branding iron onto the asses of hapless students.
Notice the trend? Negativity seems to be a better motivator that its underrated estranged cousin. With enough negativity, anyone can be motivated through fear into doing something. To avoid a lack of education, to avoid poverty, to avoid death, to avoid having to watch Westlife in concert a second time, the list goes on. It could be social conditioning or a history of evolution, but it seems that the human mind is more conditioned to register negativity than positivity. Rather than the soothing image of angels picking the being up to the pearly gates of heaven with an acoustic arrangement and a singing choir in the background, people are more motivated to worship by the thought of little red imps jabbing them with pitchforks en route to meeting the Harbinger of Suffering, the Fallen angel, the evil to end all evils and the inventor of the pentagram, the devil himself.
Compare this and our society as opposed to the American society that preceded the Great Depression, where everyone was living the American Dream, thinking only of the joy they would be privy to and what would happen the next day, and you'd realise that negativity drives the world more effectively than a positive outlook. People don't fix their computers so it will achieve optimal performance ; They do it because if they don',t "The RKO will cause an MDO in the main RFH terminal which will cause the ISP to be rerouted to the PJI via the BNN and the EHD will crash, causing the CPU to explode". The abbreviations don't even have to exist because people will be scared sufficiently be someone who seems to know what he's talking about - Sometimes, we don't even know what we're afraid of. Low crime may not mean no crime, but if you live in an area where there's next to no transport with significantly richer neighbours, there really isn't anything to be afraid of.
Something tells me there isn't really much to be afraid of in this world ; Unless you're the type that gets intimidated by superficial situations, many of our fears are unfounded. You're not pretty enough, or rather, too ugly, to get targeted by perverts, I'm not rich enough to get tricked by a conman, she's fat no matter what colour or dress she wears, Man U is not going to win and get him a bucketload of money, the list goes on. Even if one of this so-called fears does end up being realised, nobody really ends their lives because of such things, because humans want to avoid the ultimate consequence- death.
Coming soon - Statistics, Probability and a test of Wilfred's Calculator-Fu!
(On a side note : I mistyped my name four times, then spelt calculator at the first go. Hmmm.)