Boy, do I feel stupid. Right after reporting the loss of my handphone to singtel, I search through my bag and find it. As it turns out, I put it in my bag to protect it from the rain, so when it wasnt it my pocket I thought I lost it. And I forgot to check my bag. Sigh. Now I have to reactivate my simcard. Troublesome.
Went for tuition 2dae. Miss 2 lessons den cannot catch up. Whole lession I o_O liddat lor. Gd thing Marcus in front of me so Mr Ng couldnt c my face.
Watch finish Vampire Hunter D liao. It is coolness defined a dvd. As it turns out, it was a japanese movie produced with american voice actors, so its not dubbed as I thought.The voice acting was great, the visual effects were surreal and the plot contained many twists that kept me on the edge of my seat. THe best part? It's not available in Singapore:D Hellsing is also coming on really nice, although the characters still aren't fully developed after 4 episodes. It's still cool though, the graphics are outstanding work from Gonzo again. For those who don't know, Gonzo is an animation studio famous for great, but unreal (but still popular) animation.
My lipstick is going away soon. W00t. I can move my upper lip too. Which means I can talk alot again. People are going to get very irritated this year. hehe. Also, form teacher Maragret "goldfish" ng says I have to drop a subject, while principal Ang Pow "Mole" Chew says I can go on probation. WHat should I do? I wonder what they can do if I just don't pass up my report book. hee. MOnday got physics test....should I study? i tink nvm lar...half the claz oso dunnoe thanx to irresponsible monitor mason so the test should be postponed n we get a piece of Ms Tang's PMS. Oh well. I'll just be sleeping in a corner. Even if theres a test, this physics stuff is easy. Easily an E8 without trying. Ha.