Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Wednesday, January 12, 2005. Or rather, the day I went crazy. Let us examine this using a cause-and-effect system.



1) Excessive boredom. The day started off with 2 free periods, which was followed by a lit lecture(more on that later), and another 2 free periods. With so many free periods, one is bound to be numbened to his surroundings, and eventually be shut out internally, even if he may not be externally. And when one is shut out, the mind eventually deforms into a state in which it induces behavious out of a person's normal psyche, sometimes to a degree that is completely incomprehensible to most, if not all people within proximity. This isalso known as craziness.

2) Lit lecture. This was craziness. I don't know to be happy since this is such a contrast to de Souza's lessons(which is GOOD), or to feel worried since I was never prepared for this. Andrew's a lit pro, and he's blur too. Today, Mrs MS let us do stuff which "triggered" senses, and told us to write it on a piece of paper. First was 2 picture ads, depicting space and comfort. Furniture store stuff. Then, there was an Xbox ad, which featured a baby shooting out from a womb(yes SHOOTING out, windows broke and stuff), the baby aging during the flight into an old man and landing into his grave. As it turns out, this was an Xbox ad, telling us life is short.


Then we listened to a piece of music, and ate a biscuit. The bizarre part is that she asked us to prepare a piece of work based on our experience watching the ads/listening to music/eating biscuits. And submit it by next week. Great. I now have my first piece of homework.

3) Econs. What can I say. The subject is mind-blowingly stupid. Unless things start to get interesting and the lecturer starts to make jokes instead of being one herself, I'm transferring to science and taking chem instead after 3 months.



1) CCA orientation madness. I wrote my name on 9 ccas, namely

Chinese Orchestra(yes I have previous experience =D)
Print/shoot(where they teach you to critique movies like Andrew Chua)
Bizclub(business club, sounds fun)
Basketball(hmmmm, probably zero chance of makin it)
Badminton(recreational team)
Intellectual board games club(whatever)
Floorball(thanks to andrew)
College publications(yay)

Wanted to sign up for ELDDS, redcross and photography. Decided it would be a waste of time. So yea, I went kinda crazy. I actually spoke chinese audibly to the poor girl at the CO booth. And I went for choir auditions. No idea if i got in. Sore throat shit.

2) Getting drunk....on nothing. Reyneth had to listen to a bunch of stuff I probably shouldnt have said on the train. Was just feeling heck care at the time. The 'what the hell ill say what i want' feeling yeah.

3) Feeling dizzy now. Gotta go take a nap soon. Hope I'll be better later. But amazing race is on. Life is full of dilemmas.


Got an odd day lined up tomorrow. 3 free periods!