Thursday, November 18, 2004

I wanted to practice linear law. I really did. But I didn't have any graph paper. So here I am, blogging in the morning.


HAHA! I am so gone.

First was History. I studied Mao to death, thinking there was no way Mao could not come out. I opened the paper and....

Chiang Kai Shek.

WTF. Pretty much crapped, bullshitted and cowdunged my way through it. "Why did Chiang turn on his communist allies?" I had no idea. All my points pretty much looked the same. Let's hope Mr Bean is marking my paper and he gets bluffed into giving me a B. The source based wasn't too friendly either. I had absolutely no contextual knowledge to spare, having not touched Gorbachev at all, despite promising myself to. And I also had no idea what to infer from a picture of two idiots being circled by lions.

Yeah, I got raped.

On a side note, I made one of my lamer jokes on that day.

Bertrand: If Hitler dosen't come out I'm dead.
Me: Wait Hitler come out for SBQ i laugh.
Bertrand: *in his usual overzealous, overconfident, overcomplacent and act-like-i-know-everythin-self, which makes him qian4 bian3* Hitler won't come out for SBQ la. I'm sure of it.
Me: Hitler can come out anytime he wants.
Everyone: omgwtf.


Today, or more accurately yesterday, was physics. Quite frankly I thought it was moderately easy, much easier than prelims. But Wilbur, in a late rallying campaign, decides he wants to throw everyone off and demoralize them with links containing absurd information. This is O levels dammit. So they won't test us on a secret principle we don't even know. Besides, if force is going one direction, friction must be going the other. Hence, the frictional force is to the right, or whatever direction that opposed the direction of motion. Also, it is almost certainly boiling water and not steam that surrounds a thermometer at 100 degrees. Firstly, water only boils at 100C, and even if it was impure, it would still be observed boiling, since it would now boil over a range of temperatures. The other reason is that steam would rise instead of surrounding the stupid thermometer. As for the water bubble question......

I have no idea. I also have no idea about the light-dependant resistor question either. I put A, where the LDR is in the series part of the circuit, outside the parallel, so if resistance there decreases, more p.d would be put across the parallel part, causing the light bulb to be brighter. And in the other question, yes, the light bulb would be brighter and not dimmer. Sadly, I got careless and got the stupid magnet fallnig through coil question wrong.

Other than that the paper was pretty good to me. There were people who found it really hard though. I thought I studied for nothing. All that time wasted.


Could this mean chem is gonna be killer?


On a side note, the following conversation just occurred.

Me: eh my internet lagging like hell. tagboards take forever to load.
Sian: No la. tagboard is down.
Me: lol.

-Wilfred, inching closer to 16 and getting more impatient by the minute