Monday, November 15, 2004

I am SO dead. I think I'm gone. See, since I've been slacking for 3 3/4 years, my brain has lost its capacity to store information as fully or retain it as lnog as it used to. In a sense, it's like trying to drive a car you haven't driven in a few years. No matter how much you oil it, it's not gonna work smoothly without a few months of toning. So now my brain dumps out information that should be absorbed. Bad for me. So, I am going to flunk my O levels spectacularly. My name will be in the orbituaries soon. Just you wait.


Pretty much spent the day loafing around at home. People seem to get the impression that I'm trying really hard and that I spend my time actually studying. Ha. Ha. I must be making a lot of people feel guilty about themselves, since I was in the benchmark of laziness in Sec 3. Whole conversations would go like this.

Andrew: Wanna play bball?
Xi-wei: Exam coming la. Better study.
Marcus: Study also must relax what. Nabei.
Xi-wei: But even Wilfred is studying leh!
Andrew: Oh fark. Back to work.

You could say I spur people on to greater heights.


In more world news, Sheeps in a small town close to London, England have broken down the fences on their pens, and have invaded people's homes and held up traffic by staying on the roads. Three people have been injured trying to herd the sheep back in. Oh well, it was only a matter of time before sheep started taking over the world.


Chalet is on 29th,30th November, and 1st December. Look to the column on your right. Read my profile. Read it? Good. I will be accepting both premature and belated birthday presents. If you wish to pay me a visit during the chalet to pass me my present. Be sure to give me a call first.

-Wilfred, who is agonizingly enough STILL 15


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