Thursday, September 15, 2005

Well, my parents are going overseas later, which will leave me alone at home till sometime next week, I have no idea anyway.

Is that good or bad?


With the rampage of the promos turning from a dot on the horizon turning into a Godzilla-sized monster heading for us toppling buildings, eating people and stomping on cars on the way, worry almost seems to become a given portion of our daily lives. I always tell people it's not that hard to get promoted, and they will get promoted unless they actually try to fail.

But I don't believe what I tell people. And every day I wonder, what am I going to say to them if they actually do fail the promos? God can't do shit then.


The moment she spoke, he knew that all the worry he had of experiencing her wrath was simply unfounded ; Her voice, after all, was only the beautiful one he ever heard, like a ray of light piercing through a canopy of black clouds and subsequent parting it so that everyone within its shining brilliance could bath in it and feel blessed. He could definitely let go and relax himself here.

He couldn't stop smiling all day. He wondered if he spend his life as a man named Ghandi, because he certainly did not deserve to be in presence right there and then. Still, he took what he could, and the day went perfectly well. It ended of with a warm smile ; One of those smiles that made you feel like you could take on the world, one that would last through an entire winter without ever faltering, but most importantly, one that made him feel good.

Once he turned to go home, the smile vanished from his face, and was replaced with a look of weariness. How could the world compare now? He didn't even feel a tinge of anger or sadness as when he got home, he realised someone had been wearing an old pair of shoes that used to belong to him. But it didn't matter, he had a new one now.

Unbeknownst to him, things were only going to go downhill from here.