Saturday, June 25, 2005

It's 2 days to the exams, and I believe I'm more or less ready.

To fail, that is.

On the last week of the exams, while everyone else is mugging like it would be a crime tomorrow, I realize I haven't done much. This is not very good for me. I think it's time to draw up a list of pros and cons for each subject while I decide what to drop. This is sad.


" I found him so fantastic, I downloaded his book" - random fellow, you know who you are.

Okay I just realized I am kind of have a bone to pick with people who do stuff like this with the internet. It's stupid that you like an artist, so you download his/her latest CD. I mean, I you want to support him/her, you should be buying the CD instead. If the whole world was like you, the artist in question here would be run out of business, no thanks to your selfish cheapskateness, and there'd be no more music for you to download. Quite frankly I do download songs off the net too, but I use it to find long lost tracks that I enjoy, like really retro stuff. It really dosen't help that you're proud of your ability to use the internet to download stuff. It's not being smart, it's being an asshole.

Oh well, it's your loss, I guess. Staring at the computer screen reading digitized books is going to kill your eyes so badly that your oakley specs are going to be heavier than your oversized head, which is only so big because of all the air inside, and your contacts are going to be so expensive you'll never be able to pay for them. You love God? Yeah, you better, because you really need him to love you back if you're going to fraud your way through life. Then again, looking where you are, he probably already does. Go on, push your luck further.


I think the afternoon heat is getting to me. Oh no.


There she goes
There she goes again
Racing through my through brain
And I just can't contain
The feeling that remains

I think I'm done with it. Thank goodness.


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