Sunday, April 17, 2005

Choir today was shitty. First thing in the morning Nelson got really angry. Think it was because lotsa people were late or something.Gave everyone a ticking off. Even made one of the altos cry. When he does start screaming though, I can't really tell what he's trying to say. Took me a good few minutes to process what he was saying.

And I failed another SYF audition. Which is okay since nobody passed.

They gave us tickets today. To sell. $15 each. Have to sell 10. 26th May. VCH. Who wants to come?


It's okay to tell a lie sometimes if it will make a person's day, or if it will get someone off your back.


Uh, People were giving out free cans of coke light at tampines today.


Ran into Andrew today. Got whacked by him. It felt good in a masochistic way. I haven't been whacked in such a masculine way for quite a long time. Most of my bodily wounds have been due to slapping and clawing by certain types of people.

I wish there were better guys in class.


Arg. Piles of homework. Shall not care.


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