Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I got my timetable today.

Man, does it suck.

I get to go home at 5 on Monday and Tuesday, 2 on Wednesday( Which is cca day), and a dreadful 4.15 on thursday and Friday. Which sucks la. I mean some people have 4.15 as their latest day and complain about it.

Also, Long timetable + girly class = direct threat to my manhood = no good. At least the girls are partially nice. It could be worse.

At least I have funny enough teachers. Phew. Chinese turned out to be surprisingly bearable.

Sheena I so want to stab you right about now.


Council interviews are tomorrow. Apparently we have to prepare a 30 second speech. On what, I have no idea. I am so gonna die la. I must perfect a 1) sweet smile, 2) alert look and 3) persuasive expression by tomorrow. Oh no.


I'm getting more and more tired of choir nowadays, no thanks to the terrible practice sessions.


I fell asleep in PW lecture today. Right at the front too. Not very good for my council applicant image.


I am really really sleepy now. Shit. I need to be mugging till 2am sometime soon.