Monday, September 19, 2005

Going back to school is boring, as always. Eyes felt tired today. Erg. Not too fun.

What was fun, however, was dodgeball. Even if the balls were soft, randomly hurling stuff at people with no consequence is alwys fun, no matter how you look at it.


What can I say, recent events can only lead to one conclusion.

"Shit happens."


The story so far...[Or rather, I am too lazy to write tonight so i shall just post a recap, and the chapters are too short on their own anyway.]

He was tired, flustered and panicky as he rushed to switch trains. It was the first meeting ; The last thing he wanted to do was screw everything up by being late.

He looked up at the electronic screen. 4 minutes. He heaved a sigh of self-defeat. He was going to be late, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Shattered, he leaned against a pillar, aghast and disgusted with himself, preparing to wallow in self pity.

Then he felt a vibration in his pocket.


The very sound was bursting with life and vibrance, threatening to engulf the deathly grey world that was spreading like a virus in his heart.



Hia face barely twitched and his voice barely wavered from the deadpan tone he had mastered from long ago as he replied. He would hate to sound too excited, or too apologetic. Later on, he would feel like kicking himself. She deserved better than that.

Upon promising her that he would reach the appointed place in a matter of minutes, his legs shook and the blood started rushing all over his body. The blood pumped through his veins with a fury that only came when he was really nervous. He would not let anyone know it, but he was in fact looking forward to it more than before.

5 minutes later...

As the lift doors opened, he strolled towards her in a very nonchalant and relaxed matter. Rather, he walked normally, since he always looked indifferent anyway. Except his hands were sweating, but he knew he could hide it.

[The following is probably highly exaggerated. What actually happened shall be inserted in these brackets, for purposes of showing what rose-tinted lenses can do to a person.]

He didn't even have to call out; She turned around to look at him almost as if it was natural. [She was looking around and happened to see him.] As she turned, the dark and dreary shopping center almost seemed to sparkle with her brilliance as her hair drifted in the air like it was defying gravity ; Such was her magnificence that it almost seemed to defy earthly laws that were defined since thousands of years ago. [ She turned around, and it was somewhat obvious she was having a bit of a bad hair day. ]

She looked at him with eyes that were so sweet that he was certain he would melt under their gaze if he were a block of butter. Thankfully, he was made of sterner stuff, but it took all he had to meet the gaze of that pair of jewels that were radiant with life and purity.

And then she spoke.


The moment she spoke, he knew that all the worry he had of experiencing her wrath was simply unfounded ; Her voice, after all, was only the beautiful one he ever heard, like a ray of light piercing through a canopy of black clouds and subsequent parting it so that everyone within its shining brilliance could bath in it and feel blessed. He could definitely let go and relax himself here.

He couldn't stop smiling all day. He wondered if he spend his life as a man named Ghandi, because he certainly did not deserve to be in presence right there and then. Still, he took what he could, and the day went perfectly well. It ended of with a warm smile ; One of those smiles that made you feel like you could take on the world, one that would last through an entire winter without ever faltering, but most importantly, one that made him feel good.

Once he turned to go home, the smile vanished from his face, and was replaced with a look of weariness. How could the world compare now? He didn't even feel a tinge of anger or sadness as when he got home, he realised someone had been wearing an old pair of shoes that used to belong to him. But it didn't matter, he had a new one now.

Unbeknownst to him, things were only going to go downhill from here.


He was sad. Slightly flustered, in fact. After the void period, contact with her had decreased. Often, conversations would end abruptly, and they both barely had time to sustain one even when they had the time to start one.

His mind would often drift off in the middle of supposedly more important things, and he found himself thinking of her too often. Even if he was staring at the teacer, often the topic at hand was the last thing on his mind.

But he knew she wasn't the type to engage in earthly pleasures such as these at such a stage. No, her mind, just like her heart, was made of gold too. Besides, he was too much of a coward to approach such a subject directly. Then again, everytime he used the indirect approach things went screwy. Yet, he still longed to see her, to talk to her, to laugh to hear, even if his heart bled from the sheer feeling of helplessness of not being able to grab the apple of his eye when it was right in front of him.

Then he realised the feeling. She wasn't like any of the previous ones ; She warmed his heart, stimulated his mind and honeyed eyes. She didn't know it, and he wouldn't admit it, but he was in love with her.

But did it matter?