Saturday, August 27, 2005

Well, it's another weekend! I just love weekends because weekends are to me what a penis is to a sex maniac. It gives me time to relax and do my work. And if anyone belives the "do my work" part you need to go bang your head somewhere. =)


Apparently, I've been told that I've been pmsing the entire week, but I guess that's what happens when you decide to distance yourself for a while and laugh at the inadequecies of other people. Try it, it's fun!


In a week with 2 birthdays followed by a weird one, I must say that I'm glad I decided to take a step back for this week, lest I open my big mouth and get into trouble.It's kind of amazing how we can have 2 birthdays within one day of each other, and have the relationship between the two of them result in the making of a public enemy today, or yesterday in technical terms. It's kind of strange to see that while some people in the class are growing closer, some are only going to get more hated.

Well the two birthdays were more fun than anything else. I guess having 28 people in a class is an adavantage since you have 28 birthdays, which means more parties than almost any other class. Watching a 2-meter long stuffed dolphin being hauled around school was pretty entertaining too.

I was quite surprised when I heard about what happened in lit class today. I just hope this doesn't escalate anymore, since there would need to be much commotion caused by miss "hip enough" and the news would spread like wildfire within the staff room, and o5a101 wil lhave 1 more thing to be famous for.

Speaking of miss"hip enough", I think I got into her bad books since I called her old and then unintentionally called her fat/pregnant, which apparently doesn't sit well with some people.


I submitted photos of Andrew for the photog competition this week. I think the people must either be laughing their asses off or getting their eyes treated now.


Well, the promos are not too far away, and I just hope I'll be able to get through this without too much hassle, since if it's one thing I hate, it's having to try.


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