Friday, April 14, 2006

After over a year in JC, I'm sure most of us here have heard teachers harping on and on about how us lazy students aren't studying up to our potential and stuff. How these teachers can actually tell we're smart as opposed to dumbasses with random inklings of common sense, I have no idea. However, out of all this one scary thought surfaces : Suppose we don't actually have the potential that they say lies within us.

What then? Continue the mediocre struggle? It's all getting rather tiring. I guess it's safe to say that 90% of jobs we'll be holding in the future won't involve actually using the stuff we learn in school. So, this must be to say that school isn't about academics. Not about memorising those soon-to-be obsolete maths formulas and econs diagrams, or recalling all those chemical structures and complicated terms for body parts.

It's about character development, shaping ourselves for the future that we are destined for, and working towards that no matter what. It's about having fun relationships that help you along the way. It's about deciding how we want to define or redefine our existance as human beings. Most of all, it's about knowing that anything is possible, and that it all depends on you, and that you are defined by who you are, not what you learn, and that you, most of all, have control over your own destiny, more than fate, more than luck, more than divine intervention. After all, God is in heaven, and we are on Earth.


Metaphysical poetry.

What the hell is that?

Maybe accidentally getting into the Euralite cell wasn't as fun as I thought it's going to be.


In an odd turn of events, VS just swept the B and C divison and the National X-country, how wonderful!


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