Sunday, April 09, 2006

After a day of work, I'm happy to say I'm somewhat richer now. However, I'm not exactly happy to mention that I've got a stinking cold now. If my nose had to hold any more mucus it would be touching the ground by now.


Some names in this entry have been changed to protect the guilty.

Religion is an extremely sticky issue. While there are those who are truly religious, there are many who go out, all guns blazing, to prove that their religion rules over all. For reference, take Magneto of X-Men movie fame. In real life, this obviously takes a less dramatic manifestation, yet is equally, if not more annoying(who could be annoyed a the X-Men anyway?). It's also different in the fact that most of(can't generalize, lest I be politically incorrect) these people are those who have the shallowest reasons for joining the religion and feel that they have something to prove to God without it occuring to them that God(if there is one) can see through their minds as well. Reasons for doing this can include the following :

"Have you been baptized yet? Well, you can change your name for free when you are."
"No way I'm going to spend my afterlife roasting in Hell."
"I don't mind going for the social reasons."
"Free guitar lessons? Why not?"

In fact, I'd tell you that if you ask most christians that if all their friends stopped going to church, whether they would stop too, the answer will always be no, but only because it's the right thing to say, as opposed to the truth. Why? Because when there's no one to speak to in church, or no one to teach you the guitar or whatever else, church just doesn't seem as fun anymore, doesn't it? Face it, mob mentality is going to be something present in most, if not all, people, and religion, for the most part, only magnifies that which stems from the insecurity of the human brain.

And no, the end does not justify the means when it comes to pulling people to church. Not to me anyways.