Thursday, December 23, 2004

It hasn't been my couple of days. Yesterday and today, I've more or less been maimed.

First was soccer yesterday morning. I was looking forward to saying hi to my juniors, taking some pictures of VS as a final momento, and settling into a game of soccer. Instead, when I arrived, the first notable incident was Nicholas swearing at me for making a crack on his diablo II cd, instead of thanking me for actually bothering to reutrn it to him. I mean, I could have lent it to Mok.

So we go to a random street soccer court to play. Within 5 minutes, I tripped over a jutting tree trun- er, Siva's leg and fall on the base of my palm. Ouch #1. 10 minutes after that, the same person, or truck in this case, proceeded to ram into me like I was a cinder block and he was competing for World's strongest Man. A few minutes after that, yet another eschewed shot from Nicholas rebounds off my lips and almost into goal. Lucky my lips didnt swell. Or I'll be like Mok now.

Then, badminton in the afternoon. Not really painful, but playing for two hours is not easy. Not to mention Daryl was pestering me to go to town with him so he could get his $56 Mambo bag. Marcus decided he wanted to play basketball after that, since Xi-wei happened to be around with a ball, and also decided that it would be fun to take us on a walk around his neighbourhood.

Was pretty much the same thing today. Basketball in the morning, badminton in the afternoon. During basketball, Marcus again decided it would be fun to wrench the ball from my arms by grabbing it and playing with the ball-and-socket joints in my shoulder. Now my shoulders hurt. Arrrr.


Just bought the Eminem cd today. Yes, I'm living in the stone age.

Note: Am still looking for cds by Black Mages. Anyone can help?


I think John is slightly pissed at me.


Marcus wants to donate blood tomorrow. Should I go?