Tuesday, September 14, 2004

SS and emaths paper 1. SS was kinda tough. About as tough as SS can be anyway. Oh well. I always fail so who cares. Time to study lit. The emaths paper really boosted my ego though. Apart from 1(+++) careless mistakes, I did almost everything correctly. Got most of the answers right. Now if paper 2 isn't a killer I might be able to sneak off with an A1.


I have two words to describe today's amaths paper.


You'd think paper 1 would normally be the easier paper of the two. If this was the easier paper, I might as well skip paper 2. Everything I though would come out, didn't. Surds, Binomial, RV, P & C all didn't come out. Did manage to do some of the simpler questions though. Didn't figure out how to do the area under ln graph qn until I actually thought about it now. Same with the function graph qn. Outside of that, most of my answers were kinda weird. I really should read the questions more carefully. How could anyone spend 20 mins doing question one? It's over now I guess. Maybe, just maybe I can mise out a B.

-Wilfred, who should be studying but instead is blogging away


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