Thursday, January 25, 2007

Seeing as how the crowning glory would be hacked down like an overgrown hedge in the army, I decided to bypass the step(hopefully earning myself some free time and itch-less hours) by shaving my head today. Needless to say, it was quite a hairrowing experience.

I cannot believe I just made that pun.

As it turns out, barbers will smile when you tell them "army cut", for one of three reasons :

1) It brings back memories of the old days when they shaved their heads to carry out the valiant act of defending the country. (of which I see no relation to anyway)

2) Shaves are the easiest jobs to do. Seriously. It takes something like 7 strokes to get everything off my head, even with my "so long it provides an emergency source of nutrition" hair.

3) When you tell them "army cut", they hear "please mutilate me".

Well, due to a lack of interesting happenenings, there's really not much for me to update on,for or about. But hey, it's about time I started wearing uniform again, even if it's patchy green, ugly as hell and probably really uncomfortable. Not to mention the high green socks, haven't worn high socks in a while.

Till next time, when you will probably read about goings-on on a suspicious offshore island which really should have been the film location for The Island, hopefully hilarious or painfully boring bunkmates along with the usual incoherent thoughts. Don't count on it being intelligent in any way though, you know what they say about the army.



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