Monday, September 18, 2006

Before I actually get down to writing this entry, let me just tell all those complacent, fair-weather Manchester United fans out there :

Arsenal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Man U

Note that I do not support Arsenal. That being said, their foreign players actually speak better English than actual Englishmen.


It's exam season, and all abound are fast food joints with more muggers than diners, a relatively empty Orchard Road(I know this because I have already failed the rest of my prelims kthx) and shelves crying out in agony if they have to bear any more weight from unncecessary paper. Well, it's the case for me anyway, since my room is so messy that if you replaced all those papers with clothes I'd be living in a floordrobe.

But one thing that sticks out like a sore thumb, a Singaporean woman on Miss Universe and a man in a lesbian club, and ticks me off occassionally is how people can complain that "I've studied a lot but I still can't pass!" Variations of this include "Me fail English? That's unpossible, I read so much!" and "It's not like I didn't study, I don't deserve to fail!*whine whine whine*

It becomes irksome after a while because such people obviously don't put any perspective into their thoughts whatsoever. I mean, as A level students you obviously have to acknowledge that a significant amount of preparation has to be put into your studying if you do hope to get a decent grade, amount of effort varying on your starting intelligence. For such people, times ten. Even after you factor in things like luck and paper difficulty, there's a limit to how much it can deviate. By a significant amount of preparation, it doesn't really mean picking up a pile of notes two weeks before the exam and attempting to memorise it, because memorising does jack in real life, though one clever enough to adjust during exams could get away with it. It means more than that.

You could say "I studied at place X from 11 to 6 today, I think this mugger thing is latching onto me!" and have it come across as a fairly impressive statement, depending on delivery.(many people have yet to work on this aspect of speaking, including me) But if your idea of so-called "studying" means dilly-dallying and reaching there late, singing along to bad tunes on your mp3 player, stoning at your notes at regular 15-minute intervals and looking up and having a half-hour chat with your equally "hardworking" friend every quarter-hour, then how much do you think you've actually studied? It's like eating a burger without a patty, going for a lesson without listening to the teacher(which admittedly happens a whole lot) or joining the police force without taking breaks.

In a similar vein, you might have covered half your sylabus(I'm convinced that's wrong spelling)in half a day, but then your comprehension would also be half-baked, you probably won't get half the marks you want, in which case you should be picking flowers, cutting purses, or accompanying equally short people on journeys to toss a ring into lava, or whatever it is halflings do these days.

And people wonder why they can't pass an exam for nuts. If you studying methods aren't effective, you might as well slack off ; At least it's a form of twisted reprieve when you don't meet your imaginary goal.

This is why perspective is important ; It's also why one event does not automatically lead to another. You could say that you've done 6 hours of no-nonsense studying, but without your notion of "studying" and "nonsense" it would be near to impossbile to conclude how comprehensive said knowledge actually is. Without a given amount of perspective nothing is for sure.

That being said, perspective isn't something you want to have in bundles and bundles. Not only does it not help you pass mindless math/science exams, it also intrisically makes you assume the worst in people. This isn't to say George Bush has a ton of perspective to spare, it does allow you to see the good in some situations as well.


-Fs written all over my papers, followed by an "ail" rather than a "antastic" or an "abulous!"
-Studying for the actual A level paper after the $2.99 trial period, coincidentally the same amount of marks on my papers
-Having to actually go through the exam
-Getting strange purple bedsores from sitting/lying in a place too much.
-Flies as a fixture on my head for neglecting personal hygiene while studying/lazing
-Probable decaying of my innards
-Reduction of brain cells to negative digits

That's basically the gist of the next few months till this cursed period is over.

Not exactly what you'd sing to "These are a few of my favourite things!"


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