Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Anyone else thing the gun looks like an oversized two-headed penis?

Humans like big effects. I'm not sure if we just retain a speck of childishness in us throughout our lives, or that people intrinsically like watching stuff blowing up and things being settled in one fell swoop, but we do. There's no doubting the power of such events - World War 2 was only declared over after the atomic bombs were dropped. And while it has been the basis of several irrational endings to shows, movies and books alike, we're still a fan of them because, hey, it's big!

If I could teleport to any moment back in time, I'd go back to 1945 and watch Nagasaki get bombed. Destruction is as beautiful, if not more beautiful than creation, opposites they may be. For point of reference, burn your notes and take a picture of your gleeful face. A death of a great man means that an era of new great men is ushered in. It signals change. For better or for worse, nobody knows, but change is change, and change is big, so I like change. Heck, even small change is good, since it means I'm getting richer.

0mgz0r w4t 4 1337 pUn!!!!!!1111

Because the world is round and has limited space, destruction absolutely has to occur before creation can take place. You could almost say destruction paves the way for creation. Boon died in Lost so they could introduce new characters. In fact, you could probably look forward to more in season 3 since they killed off Anna-Lucia, Libby, Michael and Walt(well, technically). Now that Zidane's made way, we can look forward to a(an?) Henry-led France team. And when they kill Elmo...

Ah well, one can always dream about his unfulfilled childhood fantasy.

Destruction is a necessity, however evil it may be. People may call it barbaric, cruel, unfeeling or the brainchild of Britney Spears, but the face remains that it will always be there in one way or another. Embrace it, and laugh gleefully.


On a side note, I have absolutely nothing to do with my off-days! Which is bad.


Blogger Sarah said...

I can't see the oversized 2 headed penis. :(

10:00 AM  

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