Thursday, June 08, 2006

Is anyone's open for overnight staying? My dad just got too stingy to suscribe to World Cup Matches. Or do I blame Starhub for making them PPV in the first place?

Oh and, who wants to make bets?


Almost 2 weeks into holidays, and instead of trying to actually make my grades better by studying(mind you, this is still an extremely foreign concept to me), I've decided to bolster my resume by adding a new talent to my arsenal!

Assuming bumming around is a talent worthy of resume inclusion of course.


While studying for GP a while ago (aka reading random articles), I came across an interview of teens around America, regarding the appeal of heavy metal. Apparently, the survey results say that majority of teens like how the music sounds, without really paying much attention to what the lyrics say.

Still in the vein of lyrics, read this :

Now Put away your dinner and have a snack
Tie your little brother up in a sack
Now we're moving to the country
and we'll get there soon, she says
Now pack up all the things that you don't deserve
Take another swing when he throws a cruve ball
I bet you won't hit it, cause you swing too soon

Five for fighting, to those who don't know. Now, these lyrics make absolutely no sense whatsoever, and yet, the guy still manages to sell millions of albums.

Moving on to the political arena. George Bush stands for violence. Now, this alone should make him popular with at least half the population. After all, who doesn't like to bomb stuff? Yet, most of America doesn't like what he's doing, even those who wanted the invasion of Iraq in the first place.

Ghandi, however, stands for boring. Not fighting? Talking everything over? How boring. Still, he's endeared by people all over the world.

The difference between the two? Body language. George Bush frequently looks like he doesn't believe what he's saying himself, and makes a fool out of himself on a constant basis. Ghandi has the charisma to captivate audiences.

In short, it's never about what you do-it's how you do it. It's never about knowing what you're saying. It's convincing everyone that you do. And that's the mark of a good salesman. Then again, that's why George Bush is the President and Bill Gates is the richest man in the world.


The holidays must be rotting whatever little intellect i had away.