Monday, November 21, 2005

back from OGL camp, can't say that it was an entirely fun and healthy experience but oh well, no way I can back out of it now. Not to say that ogls are shitty, just that being from a house that just got abolished feels kinda weird. Apart from almost losing my voice(which might get me into trouble on the choir front) I guess I'm set to be a full-time slacker for orientation.


The neighbours a few doors down just got a drum set for their son.


If I wasn't wearing earphones right now I'd probably be going crazy at the endless bad drumming. He's basically trying to do the bang-a-lot-of-drums-a-lot-of-times-to-look-cool move that people who can actually drum do at the end of a song, just that he's failing miserably and it sounds more like the drum set in collapsing over and over again. How he can even bear with himself is a mystery to me.


Doesn't seem like I'll be blogging a lot this holiday, apart from orieantation it looks like I'll be spending more nights outside at various random locations rather than the comfort of my own home. That makes me sad.