Friday, July 21, 2006

Everything seems to arbitrary right now. The teacher wants to see the parents because of the belief I just might have an attitude problem. Never mind that it was the one time I didn't do my math work, never mind that she probably was having a syndrome of some sort,because it's always the fault of the student.

When the student does well, however, the teacher then basks in the reflected glory of being a wonderful mentor, guiding the unpolished talent to its fullest potential. Then the principal would recieve credit too, for being a wonderful mentor to the teacher.

Perhaps it's the law of the world : Credit travels up, blame travels down. When people have power, the ultimate way to lose it would be to admit making a mistake, because that shows that said person isn't fit to hold the power in the first way. So, the best way to maintain a stranglehold on the power is to always deflect, dodge, divert and dispense blame to everyone around but themselves. The process then repeats itself until blame reaches the ones who do not have anyone to trickle the blame down to. The income disparity in Singapore isn't due to overpaid white-collar workers or the failure of the government to intervene, it so was the fault of the lower-class workers for not working or studying harder. Because it always is.


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