Thursday, January 19, 2006

I attended my first chinese lesson of the year today!

And I spent half of it happily face down on the table. Not drooling, thankfully. Other than that, aside from playing pass the chocolate with sharon and daydreaming away, not much was done. Some things just don't change, do they?


I am so happy, I've had barely any homework, which makes me very happy. However, I seem to have to go all the way to Funan to buy a charger for my zen. bad times, bad times.


On a side note, I seem to have become the clumsiest oaf in the world today, happily spilling coffee on my (new) pink econs workbook, then spilling milo on the class' chinese new year decorations, which, by the way, contains the sickliest looking dogs I've ever seen.

Blue head + Green body + red tongue = call spca kthx.


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